Gotta have pip joint release on my pinkie and scar removal at the wrist. Will the pain cease with this procedure , will arthritis set in ( which I'm sure I already have )? What are my risk having...
Pitmom, Hello. I'm starting to notice muscle deterioration in my hand....
Has anyone here have muscle deterioration due to ulnar nerve laceration? I've started to notice it....
I have lawyer....
Dr, therapist, physician some of my close friends....
No, he hasnt. Why is it that ppl seem to think that you aren't supposed to feel pain after 2 months or more?...
Pitmom thanks for your response. My therapist hasn't suggested to do that. Instead have kept them separate. My ring finger I can't extend out at all on my own, the same as for the pinky. With help I...
He says that he repaired everything. One of the best in Virginia....
Yes, my Dr is a hand specialist. I will ask him about the hot wax machine. Thanks....
Suspect I'm going to therapy twice a week. Im doing all of the exercises required, massaging the scar also. My doctor has told me that I will never gain 100% of my hand. And I'm starting to see it. I...
I cut my ulnar nerve, artery and tendon at the wrist. Still feel pain and burning sensation after surgery 2 months ago. Can't grip anything or no strength. Scar is sensitive. Am I still suppose to...