Thanks guys; as for pitmom taking tramadol,well before i went with Oxycodone i use to take Tramadol also a pill at night time for a long but it was not that good and it was alot worse as side...
Thanks guys for your insight on this,i only take 1 pill of 5Mg/345 of oxycodone just before bad time,it's the only way i can sleep some time ,during the day i walk 1 hour and suffer most the...
Hi guys; i suffer chronic back pain,i only take 1 pill 5 mg oxycodone a night,will this dose on the long run will get me addicted bad?...
Mrs Muggles; how Oxicodone cocktail works? how many milligrams a day do you take?how long have you been on Oxycodone?do you get any bad side effects?are you addicted to it?i am a 35 years sufferer of...
I have had Chronic Back pain for 35 years and a few years ago i took Tramadol since here in USA the doctor can prescribe 50 mg Tramadol pills without any restrictions,it's an opiate medicine also as...