would you trust third party company to improve your health via blood flow using ultraviolet light therapy? I had to remove the link from your post, please read rule #4 here at Healing Well. Thanks...
Is there a big difference between multiple wavelengths concurrently and a single wavelength when performing treatment with Ultraviolet Light Therapy? I have removed the link you posted as it is...
Thanks for the tips) the advices were great! I thought I was the only one to scare of becoming a narcotic. Now trying to work at home - do general things, cleaning, some cooking just to turn my brain...
Along with all that depression is killing me, starting every day is like a torture - what shall I do with that? Need advices, thanks...
Besides that, I was using Lyrica for 8 months but it simply stopped helping me, it was not really helping. I got used to it....
I am scared of becoming dependant from morphine, I constantly try other pain killers but they seem like water and no effect, simply start vomiting from too many other painkillers. Only morphine...
After non-Hodgkin's lymphoma was cured two months already passed. I took 6 CTxs and the terrible pain disappeared but the nerves were damaged on my feet so, I still like thousands needles in my feet...