To the forum, After doing more research I thought I would provide additional details about my pain. In the beginning (8years ago) I tried eliminating everything from my diet I thought would adversely...
Tbine628, I’m sorry to hear about your daughter. It’s terrible for anyone to be in chronic pain. It’s especially hard on a teen while going through a pandemic. I hope she finds relief soon. Please...
Tdnjam, You are correct in your assessment on fill dates, however I use cvs and I can’t believe the difference between cvs pharmacies. I’ve been lectured and looked down on because of my opioid...
WalkingbyFaith, Thanks for the tips and suggestions. My doc just had genetic/dna testing completed for me. Tests showed a partly missing strand of dna relating to inflammation suppression. Another...
Sarai and Duncan, Thanks for your reply. I’m really frustrated with the diagnosis wording of functional also, but it’s an improvement over I don’t know. What’s more frustrating is the lack of follow...
All, This is my first forum experience and if I need critiques on my interactions with fellow forum participants, don’t be shy. I’m hoping to learn more about my condition and possible treatments....
I have friends that are going through Lyme disease and I’m aware of the terrible consequences of the disease. I’m sorry you experiencing the pain. I was working in the oil field when I first got...
Thanks for the reply! I’ve not had neurological testing. Nor have I tried cannabis, I’m currently using cbd oil, but not long enough to see a result. I will certainly discuss the neurological testing...
I just found this forum and it’s taken me 8 years to arrive. My Gastro doc just gave me a CFAP diagnosis. At the time I thought he was just blowing me off. My pain began 8 years ago. After tests and...