I have suffered from crohns disease for about 14 years. I have had several ops and fistulas. I had a ileostomy bag and was getting on really well. Then I decided to have a ileosomy reversal. I had...
Thanks very much for your reply and best wishes xx...
Thanks for your advice I will keep a watchfull eye on her and if she becomes ill she has promised to go to another hospital where she had her op....
Is there anyone that can give me some advice please. My daughter has suffered with crohns desease for 11 years. She has had several operations and now has a colostomy bag. She was doing really well...
Not sure what it is now, they say that my bowel is inflatted and has dropped and is leaning on my pelvis. I had ileostomy a couple of months ago and was doing really well, now this. Going to have...
Thanks for you reply. They now think that my bowel has dropped and is leaning on my pelvis. I had an ileostomy a couple of months ago and was doing really well, now this !!!...
Thank you all for your replies, i think it maybe gallstones....
Has anyone with crohns had gallstones? Please email me and tell me your symptoms ______________________________________ Linda, I took your email out of your post because it is against the rules, but...