I started Humira in November and developed cdiff shortly after. Vancomycin got rid of the cdiff but i have had reoccurring diarrhea ever since, longest bout lasting 3 months straight. that time i...
first pregnancy I was on remicade the whole time second pragancy caused worst flare to date and i sarted humira at 5 months pregnant both my kids are normal and healthy, however i was not allowed to...
was on remicade 4 years and got circle red rashes that looked like burns. now im on humira for 5 months and just noticed two of the same rashes just like the remicade ones. the first time i took...
I have crohns and i constantly get asked "when are you due?" because my stomach sticks out and the rest of me is skinny......
I was wondering about this also. I had an abscess last August, they treated it with clydamicin (not sure on spelling), that didnt work and they surgically drained the abcess and it healed within 2...