For me, injecting it in my thigh hurts WAY worse than in my stomach....
I was on Imuran (azathioprine) when pg with my 1st daughter and my GI (Dr. Hanauer at Univ of Chicago) gave me the go ahead to breastfeed while taking it. Congrats on your pregnancy and best wishes!...
My co-pay is $20 per 2 pen box. The receipt from Walgreens says something like my insurance saved me $1500. If your insurance doesn't cover it (and if they balk have your doctor write a letter to...
I was on Asacol pretty much since I was first dx and Imuran about the same. I started Remicade in ~ early/mid 2002 (and probably stopped Asacol at that time or shortly before) and had my last...
I was taken off Asacol once Imuran (and maybe Remicade - it's been a long time) put me in remission. I've been on Imuran and Remicade, then just Imuran, then Imuran and Humira and now just Humira...
Benedryl cream applied immediately after the injection helps me a lot....
I wasn't on Remicade when pregnant, but I was on Humira when pregnant with my 2nd baby. I'm almost positive that Remicade doesn't cross the placenta until later in the third trimester so the baby...
Leah - That stinks. :( I had the same thing happen. Colon resection where I was even scoped and told there was no active disease anywhere else - and a couple of months later I had ulcerations...
Same thing happened to me - I was on both Imuran and Remicade and then Imuran and Humira. I stopped the Imuran while continuing Humira and started flaring, so I went back on Imuran. Then I got...
I had the same reaction to Remicade and am now on Humira. I've had the same (excellent) results from both. I haven't had a flare in 2 1/2 years....
I took 150 mg of Imuran throughout my pregnancy with my almost 4 year old. There were no problems whatsoever. I also started out on 150 mg Imuran when I got pregnant with my 10 month old - I was also...
Both worked well for me and put me into remission. I'm currently on Humira because I had reactions during Remicade infusions. It is also much more convenient to give myself a 10 second shot once...
Lauren - I was on Humira for my entire pregnancy with my now almost-6-month-old. Everything went perfectly during the pg and my baby is healthy and perfect. :)...
I was told to delay all vaxes until 2 months, so my baby didn't get the Hep B vax in the hospital. She got her regular shots at 2 months and then we made up the Hep B series along the way. BTW - we...
I see Dr. Hanauer at the University of Chicago. He's one of the leading experts in the country, if not the world, on Crohn's. Anyone from his group would be a good choice, I think....
Jo - I had 2 m/c before having my 2 daughters. They weren't related to Crohn's. I had a blood clotting disorder that required me to take a baby aspirin during pregnancy to keep the blood flowing...
Congrats on your pregnancy! I was on 150 mg/day of Imuran when I was pregnant with my 3 year old and she's healthy and perfect (although a little bossy....)....
I took Imuran during my entire pregnancy with my 3 year old and she's been very healthy. I was on Humira for my whole pregnancy with my 5 month old and Imuran for part of my first trimester and she's...
Krica - I was on Imuran for my 1st pregnancy and I BF for a few weeks while on it too. My GI, OB and the lactation consultant were fine with it too. Good luck with it - it was one of the hardest...
I drive ~200 miles one way to Chicago to see my GI. I do have a local GI too, but like some others have posted, I needed different/better care than he could offer me. (He likes to treat everyone with...
I was on 150 mg of Imuran for my entire 1st pregnancy - and I have a happy, healthy 3 year old who starts preschool today! I was on Humira for baby #2 (I was on Imuran too at first but stopped taking...
My Humira baby is now 4 months old. /community/emoticons/smile.gif She is healthy and perfect. And chubby! /community/emoticons/cool.gif MKrahulec - I was due for a Humira injection the day before my...
Missyjack - I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I had 2 miscarriages before having my 2 girls (who are now 3 years old and 6 weeks old). During my pregnancy with my first daughter, I was on 150 mg...
What kind of reaction did you have with Remicade? I had hives, flushing, blood pressure problems, etc. during my infusions but they were able to get me past them with premeds and a very slow drip....
Yep - it happens to me too. I actually find it's better on my stomach than on my leg though. My doctor told me to try Benedryl cream and that seems to help a lot. I put it on as soon as I do the...
Drs. Hanauer and Rubin are both at Univ of Chicago. I'm not sure about the other 2 mentioned. I had a recurrence after my resection. The only part where I had active Crohn's was removed in June 2006...
I'm scheduled to have a c-section on April 28. I am also scheduled for a dose of Humira on April 27 (I take it every two weeks). I'm a patient of Dr. Hanauer and he told me to skip the dose on the...
I had 2 miscarriages before having my daughter. After many, many tests done by an RE, the only thing she found was that I was ANA + which made the blood between me and the placenta clot, therefore...
The only time I ever had a CT scan was because during a colonoscopy they found such a severe stricture that he couldn't get past it and during the follow up barium x-ray, I went into shock on the...
I've used it when I was flaring and my skin tags were really inflamed and sore. It's very soothing and felt better to clean with that than just plain toilet paper....
I've been on Humira since April 2007 - no side effects here other than an itchy welt where I inject it but applying Benedryl cream clears it up in a day or so. I think it's like Remicade in that if...
I knew I developed antibodies because during my second infusion of Remicade, I had an allergic reaction (hives, throat closing up, turned bright red in the face and felt faint). I would also feel...
I was on Remicade for most of 2003 and had my last infusion in December that year. I was in remission with just Imuran at that point. I was able to maintain remission on Imuran until after having my...
Zoey - I'd definitely try Remicade before surgery. My Crohn's is (was) similar to yours in that my entire left colon was affected. Then I was on Remicade through most of 2003 and went into remission...
Imuran did not make it harder for me to get pregnant. Of the 4 times I've been pregnant, I got pregnant the first month of trying 3 times and the second month the other time. I did have 2...
Kaycie - I am a patient of Dr. Hanauer. If you can get in to see him - GO!!! Seriously. I'm 3 1/2 hours from him and it's been worth every single minute of time spent in the car going to and from his...
Bunny - I've been on Humira since April 2007. I use the pens but have found that icing the area does help a little bit. It still stings when it goes in, but it's only 10 seconds, so it's totally...
I was on Imuran during my pregnancy with my older daughter. She is healthy and perfect. :)...
I haven't had any side effects from Humira except for an itchy spot where I inject it and that only lasts a day or so now and can be easily controlled if I put Benedryl cream on it....
I'm on Humira and 32 weeks pregnant. I've had a couple of colds this winter - I'm fighting a nasty one right now, I think it's probably just coincidence that you've gotten sick at the time you've...
Lauren - I stopped taking Remicade quite a while ago and had had allergic reactions to it while I was being infused. Since it had been so long since I had taken it and because of the reactions I had,...
Lauren - I'm 32 weeks pregnant and have been on Humira the entire time. I've been on it since April 2007. My doctor and I discussed having me go off it during the 3rd trimester (like Dragonfly...
Amber - Mine wasn't. It was an option, but by the time the 2 surgeons who had to do it together could get it on the schedule, it was too long for me to wait. (I had a very, very narrow section that...
Popcorn here too. :) A giant bucket of movie popcorn with that fake butter stuff squirted all over it. Yum! I'm too scared to even try it though....
I had a resection of my large intestine in June 2006 and got pregnant in in August 2007, so a little over a year later. I'm not sure if I could have gotten pregnant sooner or not - we wanted our kids...
I'm a paralegal and I work from home. I had my daughter in May 2005 and never went back to the office after that. I only work a few hours a month though. I have several clients that I deal with...
My doctor didn't suggest extra folic acid either but he did have me start taking a pre-natal vitamin way before we were actually trying just for the extra boost of nutrients. I'm 30 weeks pg with #2....
Lisa - That sounds good. I'm due April 28th but my daughter was due June 7 and was born May 12, so I'm not necessarily expecting to go until my due date. I'll pass the word - I know a few people with...
Lisa - What's going on in Springfield on April 11th? I live in Springfield. Let me know - I'd be glad to help if I'm not in labor and/or recovering from childbirth. :)...
The SCD diet is from Breaking the Vicious Cycle. It's not expensive at all because it's mainly regular food, just certain things. You don't have to buy supplements or anything like that.w...