no side effects for me except strep throat, ear infection from low immune system and working with sick kids. i did get shingles while on humira....
yes- i have had bad pains when hungry. it is not good to get to hungry with crohns or in general. i used to be anorexic and could eat very little as well. when i go off prednisone i am less hungry...
does anyone experience a flare while taking penecillin ? i have strep throat and an ear infection . the doc. said i need to take this for my infections- i am worried about a flare ! any experience...
I have been taking steriods for two years, continously and periodically throughout my childhood. I have been told I have osteoperosis and need to remain on steriods due to my crohns. (and may be on...
Yes- I can relate. I had (well she is still there) great nurse for my research study. NOw, I do not see her much anymore bc the study has ended. I feel bonded with her and still visit her on...
Has anyone gained weight on humira ? I have gained 5 pounds since going to weekly dosing the past 4 weeks. I have not been eating much more. (slightly more junk food). Maybe bc I am absorbing more...
the opthamologist diagnosed me with this. I see an opth. for my eyes bc he is a medical doc. and familiar with this condition in people with crohns. My GI doc. recognized what it was right away and...
does anyone have episcleritis with their crohns ? I have a reoccurance of this on a weekly basis as soon as I taper off of the eye drops. It hurts very bad also. I have been on humira weekly dosing...
hmmmmm- I have the opposite problem - mine is always elevated. doc. said this could be a sign my body is fighting infection or yet still from the inflammation. jamie...
I have perianal disease with my crohns and have been in a great deal of pain. humira and low dose prednisone have been losing their effectiveness. I am on weekly dosings of humira as well. I am not...
yes i have. valtrex cleared it up and no return yet. jamie...
I have a dog and 2 guinea pigs. I am concerned about having the pets because I am taking Humira now and worried about pets (mainly the guinea pigs) giving me a bacteria such as salmonella or...
However you spell it - Cr0hn5 - it's still a horrible disease. This is a place of compassion, not judgment. In other words, get over it!...
I would concur- give it some time. I saw an improvement after 2-3 weeks and am continuing to improve slowly. hang in there....
I have noticed a big difference when I use the flora- Q probiotic and Primal Defense probiotic. Their is definately a change in how I feel when I do not take them. jamie...
i always feel sleepy afterwards and the first time i felt nauseous. jamie...
I have just started taking nystatin(I think I spelled it correctly- I am on to many meds. to keep track of all of their spellings). Anyway, I am getting bad headaches, sugar cravings and nausea/...
yes- on pred. and during a flare up....
i am trying to decide wether to stay or withdraw from a study due to flare up of symptoms on the placebo;ll. I still have 3 weeks left until guranteed active drug. i have been pretty sick now with...
Has anyone experienced severe swelling in hands and feet while on prednisone ? Anyone have low potassium as well ? The doctor thinks it is from the prednisone- the potassium and swelling. I have...
My crohns is located throughout my entire colon, rectum, and mildly in the beginning of my ileum....
I was diagnosed at age 6 with UC and now 4 weeks ago with crohns colitis. I am not convinved it is crohns. The new doctor was certain it is crohns bc of my history with fistula surgery and worsening...
I have a strange posting. Does anyone ever crave deep pressure, vestibular stimulation such as swinging or riding in the car ? Being in motion helps my stomach feel better and keeps me more...
I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis- that is all the docs told me. i am so frusterated with not knowing. i think i have severe uc- not crohns. i am going for a scope next week and hopefully know...
Yes- i was originally diagnosed with colitis at age 6 and not I am 26 and the new doc i have is telling me i have crohns now. THe blood test showed no crohns. However, I have had a history of rectal...
I have ulcerative colitis and have had it for 20 years. it has grown severe the past year and a half. i am sick of all of these drugs and the prednisone side effects are tortous. I am considering...