Hello, I have a question for you regarding maple syrup and SCD/MD. I know it's not legal on both diets but my son, who is almost 13, can't tolerate honey – even tiny bit coses relapse but he is fine...
Hello, My son has been using enteral nutrition for almost three years now as a main treatment for his CD and main sores of nutrition. First formula that put him into remission was Modulen....
NostraHistoria, Good luck with the liquid diet! It will be 3 years soon since my son started enteral nutrition as a main treatment and main source of nutrition for his Crohn's. For the most part he...
Hello, Mom I'm very sorry to learn that a child this young can be Dx with MS. I wish your presuse daughter will have a mild form of disease over her life. I have a relative that was 23 years old when...
Thank you for the information. Could you please refer me to the rules that she violated, so everybody else will pay closer attention to their posts? Personally I'm very disappointed by the decision...
I'm failing to find some of the Ingrid's (from Norway) recent posts. Can some one help me please? Also I'm not able to find the treat reg. Pennstate trial. Is there a problem or it's just something...
Hi, Roni, To answer you questions – you can use Ensure as a enteral nutrition. I checked before with my son's ped. GI and the woman on the other board who is a pro in this area and is wrighting a...
Roni, I'm looking into SCD and Maker's diets myself for my son and came across a blog of mother and daughter regarding their progress after starting SCD diet a year ago. The younger woman has...
Jini Patel Thompson, who has Crohn's herself and wrote books “Listen to your gut” and “IBD remission diet” recommends Natren's probiotics (I buy Healthy trinity for my son that contain Lactobacillus...
I believe there is a whole protocol on Jinipatelthompson.com on using oil of oregano for IBD....