Ny sooner my son has The same thing like you no pain, no D, no crohns symptoms, the only thin are fissures, abscess and mimor fistulas,nothing with pain. He was diagnosed at age 6 took 6mp along with...
Has anyone used Diltazem ointment for fissures.. I know is a medicine for the heart becauses relaxes the muscules but is also good for anal fissures......
Thank you all of you for your info.....
Anybody here with perianal crohns.. fissures, abscesse..etc. the only syntoms.. my son takes purithenol 25mg a day.. vitamins, and fish oil.. his crohns is undercontrol... just the perianal area, is...
Hi.. My son was diagnose with crohns at 7 he is now 9.. but there are a lot of little kids ages 18 month up with either Crohns or ulcerative colitis.. you can go to this web side which is for parents...