I'm so sorry! It sucks to go through all of this and it's even worse when you can't get a good doc to help you! ((HUG))...
Does anyone have thoughts on surviving day to day? I am on Humira, work a full time job, have 2 kids and my disease is pretty much is check as far as D. Pain I'm managing by getting pills from a...
I had to have this test a few years ago. You just swallow the pill and then they strap a little device to you that folows the path of the pill which takes pics every so often. There is no pain...
Ivy- I had a great GI, until I changed jobs. New insurance, new location, over the last 3 years, I have gone through 3 GIs. One's who didn't care about the pain I was in, another who just loved to...
Does it ever feel like this DD lends an invitation to other issues to join our our already tired, worn out bodies? It seems like I'm either having abdominal pain, or a migraine, or insomnia or my...
This is a great post! Not very exciting, but I would like to go to work one day without being completely drained and having my co-workers look at me as though I'm a "Big Faker". I would like to spend...
During my last hospital visit (2 weeks ago), I was told that I have a periumbilical hernia. If they didn't tell me, I wouldn't have even known. Docs didn't act as though it was a big deal or anything....
I started Humira 3 weeks ago and am now suffering from insomnia. I have 2-3 nights where I can't sleep at all and then 2-3 days where I am completely exhausted and can't stay awake. Has anyone else...
Great news! The biggest issue that i have had with Imuran and pregnancy is that it can make it a lot harder to get pregnant. It took over 2 years for me to get pregnant with my son. Congratulations!...
Don't know if this will help, but I was having significant pain in my chest, my GI diagnosed it as acid reflux. One night the pain was so bad that I thought I was having a heart attack and went to...
I wanted to give you some information on managing the possible weight gain issues with Prednisone. Everytime I was put on it, I gained at least 30 pounds and know there are others who have gained a...
If you haven't tried Slim-Fast or Ensure, that is a good way to get nutrients into you and hopefully help to put on a few pounds....
I was just wondering if anyone could offer some coping mechanisms for dealing with the depression that I get from this disease. /community/emoticons/skull.gif Over the last three months, I have been...
Can't help. I had both my babies via c-section. It was recommended by OBGYN as she was concerned with tearing. When you have Crohn's it limits your ability to heal from some things. I had two...
I'm sooooooooooooo sorry! I changed jobs about two years ago and didn't tell my new employer about my condition (Crohns Colitis). Unfortunately, within the first 5 months at my new employer, I had an...