30yrs! Your case encourage me a lot! I wish I can have that luck! My terminal ileum is narrowing with scar tissue and ascending colon is also scared. Although I feel better at the moment after 1...
wow, 20yrs remission! That's really encourage me a lot! I wish I can have that luck. what medication you took after your resection? diet? nutritious supplements? Thanks a lot!...
Thanks penelope-marie. I have same situation as you. Yes, live with stricture make us lose quality life, surgery can give us temperary quality life but surgery cann't cure this disease and also lead...
Thanks MAG102886 , I hope you all the best in your sergery!!! Thanks randynoguts, I read your story, you are so brave! It is very hard to make decision for me. My terminal ileum is narrowing with...
Good luck!!! Hugs!...
I was diagnosed of Crohn's disease more than 2 years ago. From June this year, I felt abdo very painful after meal. In July I was inpatient and found terminal ileum narrowing with scar tissue. After...