I took Imuran for 6 months and had to be taken off due to the side effects. It made me feel extremly short of breathe. I could barely walk becuse I felt like I couldnt breathe but my oxygen levels...
I had my son 8 months ago. I felt great during my pregnancy and for about 5 months afterwards. Then my hair started getting brittle and my skin started breaking out and I knew the crohns was back. I...
I took 6mp the whole time I was pregnant and now have an 8 month old baby. I was reassured that taking 6mp did not cause any problems. My son is 8 months old and has an extremly large white birthmark...
I went to the hospital two weeks ago with horrible pain on my left side. Whenever I have a flare up it is on my right side. The er doc told me that usually left sided pain means your colon. They did...