I am wondering if anyone has ever done a colon cleanse. The type in sold in a health food store. I have done the "cleansing" many times prior to my colonscopsy's. Wondering if it is the same effect??...
Hi Aussie, I think we hae all gone through these ups and downs with cd and the life outside of it. When i first found out i had cd, the first thing i did when i went in any store or establishment was...
Ouch!!! I have had many perianal abscesses and have a fistula. They can be very painful, and i have had four minor surgeries to drain them, some were the size of a grapefruit that welled up inside of...
Thanks!! I am crossing my fingers, he mentioned briefly gallstones but the main pain is on my left side...see i was on prednisone for 13 years twice tried to go off and ended up in hospital...now...
Just curious if anyone out there has ever had any symptoms that appear to be similar to kidney stones (just before the unberable pain) and it ends up being something else??? I woke up with pain in my...