I have an in-law who had crohn's but has been "cured'. yeah right. He is sure what I eat and being overweight is why I still have crohn's. Funny, even having surgery has not helped me. I really...
jay, where can I find the research that has been done on MAP?...
I have been having test done -specimens, scopes, bloodwork- that have shown bad bacteria in my bowels and very little of the good stuff. I see my dr on thursday to discuss the results and a treatment...
Thanks to Crohn's I have corneal ulcers from time to time. Not so often now that I am on steroid drops every day. Take good care of your eyes!...
i went to UVM...now in AZUVM - Nice campus. Burlington is a great city. Close to Montreal, ski resorts and Lake Champlain! Arizona.......ahhhhhh sun and warmth. Sounds very good....
Are there any other Vermonters out there ?...
Vermont !...
Oh Oh! I have begun looking on line at the SCD diet and I see a lot of recipes with almond flour. What if one is allergic to nuts, what could be used instead of almond flour for baking? Any...
emom and osprey, Thanks for all the info, very,very helpful. I'm going to order all the books today! I am hesitant to go cold turkey on carbs because I have often relied on toast and mashed potatoes...
What is the difference between life without bread and the scd diet. I am so confused! And then there is the makers diet...... I just want a plan that is simple to follow, become healthier and help my...
I was wondering, many of you say that scd helps with the big D. I am more prone to constipation and I need to lose lots of weight (thanks meds) do you think scd would help with both issues? I have...
Great idea. I love it! How about some soothing music cds? Cds of relaxation and inspiration??? I would have enjoyed many of everyones great ideas during my last hospital stay!...
I have seen Dr. Bruce Sands at Mass General Hospital in Boston. I had a few consultations and some tests done with his group. He wrote out a plan that I took back to my regular gi that worked very...
Hi! This is my 1st post! I am 50+ and I have had crohn's for many years. I have had one surgery (jan2008). Name a medicine and I have been on it. Now I am predisone dependent but I may try Humira...