littlelymie19, when you mentioned the weird diarrohea I knew exactly what you mean. It may be classified as diarrohea but its certainly not easy to push out due to our problem. I will try magnesium...
Crohnie4now, I am in the same boat. 5' 10" and about 105 to 110 pounds. And I am really afraid of losing more weight....
I too have extreme constipation. I don't even know what a good bowel movement feels like anymore. I am tense all the time. I am suffering from hypertension which further worsens my condition. Were...
I know how you feel. I had a colonoscopy done 4 years back and the doctor told me I had polyps and a tendency to get colorectal cancer. Now 4 years later (and after much abuse of laxatives) I have...
I also have the same problem quite often. Hemmoroidal creams don't help. Soaking in warm water helps but once you are out of the tub the burning irritation continues. /community/emoticons/sad.gif ...
I guess I will now get the ones which are individually wrapped. However, I was using the ones that come in a box. (50 or 100 in a box). /community/emoticons/sad.gif ...
Tell me about it. My life seems to be revolving around when I poop. (More importantly if I poop). It is really getting to the point where I have to schedule my entire day around this. The anxiety is...
I am feeling a lot of irritation after taking a suppository. I saw some of the others in the box and there were very thin hair like substances attached to some. Someone must have possibly left the...