I had my "extra" dose this morning, and am on the prednisone taper from when I left the hospital. I am crossiny my fingers that this cimzia is my miracle drug! I will get my maintenance dose in 2...
I have had 3 sets of cimzia injections so far. The first and the last left me with a strange injection site, sort of white colored spot around where the needle went. The middle set of shots didn't do...
Let us know how it works out for you. My Dr is suggesting I fill out an FMLA too, I am nervous to go to my HR dept. I need my job as I carry our health insurance. It is getting harder and harder to...
I have been on both 6mp, methotrexate and azathiaprine, they both worked for a period of time and the I developed an immunity to the drugs....like I have every other drug! Give them a try, they...
Hey guys, I have been lurking, but I am home with a horrible flare and have decided to post! I call my toilet, "lucy" have called it that since I started getting sick at 13....
I too am looking into this study. I have passed the first screening, waiting on the next. I am scared, nervous, and excited. Anyone with any thoughts or suggestions? I am in my reproductive years,...