Mr.Majik, I would like to share a bit with you, i had a full spine corrective surgery about a year ago with rods and screws. I have had AS for as long as i can recall and was on Oxycodone and...
Hiya, I thought i was the king of crunch. I have been fused with rods and screws to my spine except my neck which still makes a lot of crunching noise. It sound louder than it really is yet sometimes...
Hi Yanoula, I hope this note finds you well today, i feel for you as your adventure for diagnosis is something i've lived...similarily. Your lower back pain sounds like the Sacroilium pain which was...
Sickliz, Health comes first! I had to go on disability here in Vancouver because i too worked for as long as possible being a single parent. I think if i had done so earlier i could have fixed myself...
Yanoula, I am 46 and have run a similar course to you. For many many years since about 18 Doctors told me there is likely nothing wrong with me and i should excercise more and see what happens. Only...
"You need to be very careful about how much you read on the internet about side affects of drugs. People that have no problems with a drug will rarely post about it on the net. If you rely just on...
MATT, Hello from Vancouver, i found your post and thought i'd give my two cents worth. I have had Ankylosing Spondylitis for as long as i can remember and in addition to 18 Remicade treatments i had...