thanks for your responses i will try some of the recomendations, slow fe is what i was taking and it killed me. thanks again everyone...
hey all. im new to the forum, 37 has had CD since age 9, my doctor tells me I need to start taking an iron pill. I starated using this iron supplement and everytime I take it pain occurs. I am...
i had a samll bowel resection in 2000, two feet was removed. i did wake up but i had no idea at all until they told me. It was not as bad as my mind made it out to be, the recovery is not bad it will...
i speak for most men when i say, sorry...
I am 37yrs old i was diag. when I was 9. Please dont blame yourself, I was 9 and there was nothing that a 9 year could do to make this happen so try and keep your head up and stay strong its not easy...