Chrissy, I'd love it if you emailed me, so I could give you more details than I'd like here, if you click on my name here and go to my info, you'll get my email info. However, I do understand where...
No problem, happy to help, your case does sound a lot like mine. Honestly, I was diagnosed with so many different rheumatological things before I got the right diagnosis of enthesitis, I don't think...
It can be very confusing... they consider my Crohn's to be "subtle", yet my arthritis and enthesitis is horrendous and it's not related to my abdominal flares at all. My sed rate (the inflammatory...
Thank you kazbern, I'll look into that for sure... I appreciate it...
Ides- Wow, that's exactly how it feels, like walking through chest deep snow, that's perfect, thanks for that! I feel like one day they will also tell me it's AS because it's spreading throughout my...
Hi, I haven't posted here in a long while, but I'm always here, reading... For me, my stomach problems for the past 8 years have been secondary to my enthesitis and arthritis. It is god awful and...
P.S. I forgot I wanted to add , for some reason and this is the first time this has happened to me, Prednisone is not working to help the arthritis, even at 30mg. This is really concerning to me as...
Thanks to everyone for such nice responses and concern, it is so nice to know we're not alone.... it was especially nice to read that story about the Remicade success, I will be hoping beyond hope...
Hi everyone... I am desperate for some answers. My Crohn's has been acting rather odd lately, lol, the gut issues are rather quiet and have been for the last six months, but my arthritis is so out of...
Beckey, Thanks so much for letting me know about what prednisone you were on, I'm really hoping that bump up to 30 is going to bring relief. I don't mind at all talking to you about why I'm waiting,...
Hi Beckey, Thanks so much for your caring response, I am sorry you feel so lousy as well. I guess by listening to what you are feeling like, this is, unfortunately, normal... that really sucks, lol....
Hi, I'm newly diagnosed with RA and have so many questions.. I'm from the Crohn's boards here, it's a great forum! I'm sort of lost when it comes to my RA, so any advice would be appreciated... I...
Hi to everyone, I am new here, newly diagnosed after suffering for about six years. I also have Crohn's disease, so the doctors thought I had Crohn's related arthritis, but turns out they were wrong....
Hi, haven't posted in awhile, recently I've been experiencing daily, persistent nausea and when I told me GI doc about this, she decided to perform an endoscopy to see if anything had changed in the...
Well, there's some good new tricks here to try for my nausea, thanks so much everyone! I'll give them a shot and hope for the best, let's hope we can all have a Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks again! Marla...
Hi, I have been on the "maintenance" dose of entocort for seven years now, two pills a day. It is probably the best med for me. My doctor at Johns Hopkins said it was fairly safe long term...
Thanks to all who answered, I really appreciate the help.... I do take ginger sometimes, it helps a bit, and usually zofran works, but not this time. I guess I just have to wait it out a bit more,...
Hi! Well, I've had lots of nausea in the past with my Crohn's, off and on, and especially during flares, but this is new for me. I have been constantly nauseous now for two weeks almost straight,...
Yeah, SIBO sure can mimic the symptoms of a really bad flare, My Gosh, so sick from some bacterial overgrowth!! The test they did on me in the ER was, bloodwork, and a CatScan with contrast. I've...
thanks for all the input, I actually had to go to the ER awhile after posting this because I got so bad before... I do not have a partial obstruction or a stricture. All they found was some...
Sorry for the yucky details to come, but, here's a new problem for me... I was hoping someone could guide me on what this could be now, this is so frustrating, I'm beyond depressed. All of a sudden,...
thanks for the answers, I didn't realize you could be on both, I guess I better give it a shot, all these meds we're on, so damn scary sometimes, but we gotta have a life.... thanks again!...
Hello, My Rheumy today has suggested adding MTX to my meds to try and help me with my god awful enteropathic arthritis, because nothing else is working. I've never heard of anyone being on both 6mp...
Hi everyone, Just another thing to add for us to keep in mind and potentially deal with, I've been on Humira in addition to my 6MP since October, and have been having the worst dental problems since...
Hi, well after settling down the Crohn's a bit, I'm just starting to learn about my fibromyalgia.... I know there's several members here who also have fibro so I thought it would be a good place to...
I'm almost afraid to ask.... Humira is the only thing that has been able to get me into remission, since I started it in October, my tummy has been great, but two days ago I started to flare. Does...
Ides, Thanks for the reply.... my doctor has put me on prednisone, but only for about one week, of course I feel great for about the first three or four days, and then back to this, my doctor is so...
Hi everyone, I am really at the end of the line for finding help trying to control the pain I am in with my enthesitis from my Crohn's. The Humira has definately helped with the arthritic pain, but...
Hi, I also have had costochondritis pain for years off and on.... it comes and goes as does my arthritis and enthesitis pain. I've been told it's just another spot our inflammation settles down.......
Hi, so very sorry to hear you are doing so poorly. I know so much of how you are feeling is from the flare, but it sounds like the panic has really taken over and needs to be dealt with first before...
Ides, Your response really got to me, for one thing I'm so sorry your rheumy left, I really hope you can find another who can help you, you really deserve that. Also, it made me realize, my rheumy is...
Thanks for all your input, in response, I definately do not have an infection, it's been going on far too long for that, it's been two years now, I am on six mg of entocort, and I have been tested...
Hi, if anyone has an input out there, I would so much appreciate it... I am currently on Humira, 6MP, Pentasa, 5mg Prednisone and Entocort for my Crohn's, what we've been able to accomplish with this...
Thanks to all for your replies. I have seen a rheumy, that's who actually prescribed the humira, but I really have doubts that it is doing any good and am definately considering going off of it....
Hi everyone. In the last couple of years I finally seem to have gotten my stomach and gastro symptoms to have settled down to a much lower and more manageable roar, but my arthritic symptoms are...
Lynn, Can I ask how long you were on prednisone to bring it down? I get on prednisone, and my sed rate comes down, but then once I'm off of it, it goes right back up! Seems I can't keep it down. I've...
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone else has this problem and how they might deal with it.... Since the beginning of my Crohn's diagnosis, some 8 years ago, my sed rate, which I know is a general...
Hi, and thanks for all the support so far! My Rheumy is considering having me switch from Effexor to Cymbalta and from taking Ultram as needed to taking it three times a day, he also wants to add...
Hi and Happy Holidays to everyone! As most of us have, I have been dealing with Crohn's are the related arthritis for about ten years now, the arthritis has gotten very bad lately, but recently...
Hi to all, I'm new to this forum and wanted to say hi and see if I could get some advice. I am 48 and have been dealing with Crohn's disease and Crohn's related arthritis for about ten years now. For...