Just an update after one month. Son still has diarehea and doctor has let him try Immodium but hasn't worked so he prescribed Colestripol and we will see if that does any better. Also within last...
To All, This is such a great forum board and even though I am not on here all the time the times I do post, the replies I get are fantasic. From what it sounds like it will vary on if and when he...
He is leaving for freshmen year of college at the end of August and is hoping he feels better then. He keeps this all in and doesn't want anyone to know he has disease. He even went as far as...
He had open surgery with 12 inches of intestine removed and doctor said he has 152 inches left. And two fistulas were repaired also and he also had stricture plasty work done....
Hello All, My son just had a resection surgery a week ago and all went well but I was wondering if somebody could answer some questions. One is how long after you started eating solid foods did you...
They think my son may have one now, and they should do a urine culture to see if there is bacteria in your urine to see. That would be one of the first things . And he also has been urinating more...
Just got back from a long couple weeks of many hospital visits and tests. My son developed some urinary problems which advanced to abdominal pains a couple weeks ago. To make a long story short it...
Just an update, my son finally agreed to go in for colonostopy on Friday. I hope from what I have read with people with similar symptoms that he won't need surgery. Another thing I was wondering are...
They did the MRI because they thought he had a fistula which they don't see after getting MRI back. But there is air is in bladder that they see and they are wondering what that is all about....
We live in the northwest suburbs of Chicago,and if all goes well he will need a new doctor when he goes to college in the fall either at the University of Iowa or the University of North Carolina....
Part of the reason he is being stubborn besides knowing how bad the prep work is for colonostopy is that he knows that if they say he needs surgery he has read where half the people get it back and...
Haven't posted on here for awhile since for the most part my son has been doing OK the last couple years after getting put on Remicade. He was diagnosed around 4 years ago after we realizied he...