thanks everyone i called someone today and they just said no....
hi all i'm thinking about giving blood as i'm a rare blood type but wondered if i can because of the crohns? I'm not on any meds....
no idea why it hurt so bad i'm guessing the pethadine didn't work wont know full details till biops come bk...
i know i was in pain, and i'm no wimp, pain levels vary from person to person,no the biops didn't hurt i just said i could feel them doing it i was just sharing my story as i thought it to be strange...
i had 25mg pethadine and 2 mg midazolam. The second one i just found out is supposed to give you short amneisa which explains why i didn't say anything....
you know its funny,i said today to my mum after all that pain i went bk to recovery and sat there like that experience didn't happen to me,i didn't say a word to anyone. I remember the whole thing i...
I did wonder if that was normal behaviour and didn't know i could ask for ga or else i would take that any time....
10yrs ago and i dont remember a single thing so i had no worries going in today but omg thats one of the worst things i've experienced. [color=#800080>
i've really been worrying so called the hospital and they have given me picolax instead but no food all day...
hi all just wondered if anybody has taken this for their coloscopy? What's it like? I recieved it this morning and nearly had a heart attack at the amount of the stuff i have to drink and no food...
yes i had a resection 17 yrs ago and was never really bothered with,now i'm suffering big time!! I had my levels done about 4 months ago and they said they were fine but recently i've found out i...
thanks for the advice...
hello all,i've just been doing some reserch on b12 and seems alot of cd's take it. I've been suffering with extreme tiredness recently and wonderd if i should take some? any comments please as cant...
i was wondering if ant of you have been on this diet and has it had any positive effects on your c.d?? Also wondering what your blood types are? i'm ab positive thanks...
hello,some of you may remember me talking about a thrombosed hemmie i had and i said i was waiting for my hospital appointment well it turns out i have an ulcer down there. I obviosly have to wait...
has anyone had a hemmie that thrombosed and burst?...
thanks everyone,i will start pentasa again and speak to hospital when i see them. I have both hems and skin tags but the painfull one is a hem got examined today,its not a pretty sight :)...
i went to an emergency docs this morning as they got bigger over night and i was given scheriproct cream and suppositries and some remedene pain killers which are pretty good but can make you...
thank you....
i've never had a pill cam and haven't had any proper checks for years. I did have my bloods done about 3 months ago and they were fine. Should i request something?...
hi there everyone,i'm new to this forum although i do read up on things here but this is my first post. I was diagnosed with cd 17yrs ago and generally i've been ok,i suffer with cronic d and i've...