it's been a while since I've been on here... My life seems to revolve around my 9 and 5 year old. I'm fortunate to be mostly symptom-free but there are days when we are running late because i may...
aye, aye aye!!!! Well, this happened to me on Remicade! My DD dr says some people find relief by switching to either Humira or Remicade(opposite of whatever you are currently on) the irony here is...
wow... I was just thinking to myself this morning how THANKFUL i am to not be soo sick that i can't work or do normal everyday things! And how long will that last? in 10 years where will i be? So i...
HMM, i wonder what treatment you are currently on... i am on remicade, with much sucess, but i have since been diagnosed with psorasis. (believed to be linked to the remicade) My derm prescribed...
yay! hope your new Doctor works out much better... Nothing wrong with a second opinion. After all it is your health, your body! take control... :) peace...
I guess i would say, nobody knows better than you, the type of boss/employer you have. I work for a WONDERFUL company! And when i went into the hospital, they were very supportive and concerned. Then...
greyeyedblonde... what ever happened with your red spots??? did you get into a dermotologist????...
Well, it's called Ultravate... i think it's a STRONG steroid ointment. and is really helping the affected areas, but it is still spreading!!! aaaahhhhh! so i put it any and everywhere i see a red...
YIKES! this happened to me too!!!!! went to my Dr and he sent me to the dermatologist. i am on Remicade, nothing else. Have had ecxema before, but this got outta control pretty fast! Turns out, it's...
haven't noticed any benefit, but what i've read all sounds really good!!! so i bought some and it taste good! good to cook chicken breats in... tried to make brownies with it, tooo sweet! and not...
wow... if we have to vote, i can't choose! i think they are all Hilarious!!!!...
Hi- i have heard of him. Suposedley he's great. i live in Gainesville, but i see Dr. Sninsky, who is wonderful and said if i didn't like him, he would refer me to Dr. Valentine. :) Everyone i have...
Hi i normally just read everyone else's post. i'm 29, just diagnosed with Crohn's in April. had a 15 day stay in the hospital. And i am currently on Remicade and feeling great. I'm a mother to 2, 7...
hi, just joined... and i just had my first Remicade infusion last Tuesday. Like you i did notice a difference on the prednisone, so of course i was waiting for the shoe to drop... i didnt notice...