Randy - about 20 years or so ago, after all my resections,etc.,etc. I decided on my own that 8.5 mgs of Cortisol a day from the adrenal glands just wasn't doing the job for a person with severe...
Dear OTD, I was 84 years old Feb. 6, and I've had this DD for 54 years with all the goodies that go along with it. Ten surgeries including six major re-sections, gall bladder, hemmies, etc. which...
IRAM - PART 2 I accideltly cut myself off, so I'll continue. The doctors and every one involved in my experiment were surprised but all were of the opionion that the pred. was sooner or later going...
IRAM - I've had severre Crohn's going on 55 years now, nine surgeries including 6 resections. In 1991, through my research, I decided to make pred. my maintenance drug. I take 5mgs of pred. per day....
Rider Fan - The thing to remember is that surgery does not cure Crohn's, It only removes the affected part of your intestines. The best way to prevent "hopefully" further surgery is to get on a...
First off let me say to anybody reading this post that I am not against anyone taking pain pills. I never believed anybody should have to hurt. The only reason I don't take them is Doctors just...
Bammer - No, no side effects at all. and don't forget, I"ve had Crohns going on 54 years now and I've taken a lot more than that during all of those years. ....
GSUonion - Hi Onion, nice to hear from you again, yes we did have a good time in Atlanta. This is the way I do it and why. I use an average of 5mgs of Pred. daily in my system because, after all of...
GSUonion, Matthew - Sorry guys, I'm late for a date, get back to you tomorrow. Matthew, Sorry, I just don't agree with you at all....
Bible, and others.. Mostly, I don't like to post too much because I'm so out of touch with the drugs, etc. that are used for Crohn's these days. But, I feel compelled to sort of let you get an idea...
Ivy6 - I never tell anyone what to do about Crohn's, I only tell what I do. The only difference I can tell between the two of us is that you wait until something goes wrong before you contact a...
Athensgirl, If I was having a mini--flare (which sometimes happens), I usually will take 20 to 25 mgs of pred. in the morning and again when I go to bed. I do this for about 2 or 3 days and...
The last one I had was a whopper, came out of my stomach right next to my belly button. Shot a stream of infection from my bedroom to the bathroom mirror, about 10 feet away. On the doctors advice, I...
LBJ - It is my opinion that the reasons some of us get better with Crohn's as we get older is that after years and years of this disease we have learned to some extent how to handle it. In my case,...
VIC53 I have been using 5mgs of Prednisone plus 500 mgs of Azulfidine each day for the last 18 years. I've naever had any short term or long term effects from using Pred., and I've been in remission...