While I had no problems taking Entocort, I also found it shortened my cycle. I would get my period on cycle day 20 or 22 rather than on cycle day 28. I really did not like that :)...
Thank you! I am hoping that it's not the long eight week recovery I had last time, but from what many are telling me on other online sites, it may not be....
I was dx'd with Crohn's in 1995. I had my first small bowel resection in 2001. It was an open surgery and recovery time was a long-about 8 weeks. I've had flares since 2001, but they were able to be...
I'm 34 years old and was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in 1995. I was on Asacol for a while and then Pentasa, but neither seemed to work for me. I had a small bowel resection in 2001 and had been...