Dagger - to answer your question, the terminal ileum is the only part of the bowel that absorbs vitamin B12, and this is the most commonly affected area of the bowel for CD, which means if the bowel...
Sorry to hear you're having problems with your doctors, but I just wanted to mention to you that I wouldn't recommend a barium meal or small bowel follow through. They are tests that have a very low...
Thank you very much for sharing your experiences. In particular Stef, thank you, hearing your story has really put my mind at ease that I am making the right decision in following my doctor's...
I had a very similar experience, I was back and forth to the doctor and in and out of the emergency department with terrible bouts of pain, diarrhea and vomiting on and off for about 5 years and was...
Hi there I'm new to this site and was wondering if there are many people out there who have taken Humira throughout their pregnancy and breastfeeding and how there children are doing now? I have very...
Hi Octobergirl I know exactly what you're going through and it's not very nice! I had a perianal fistula and had a seton inserted which had to be under general anaesthetic. I had the Seton in for...