I've had multiple doctors tell me that Miralax is very safe as far as dependancy issues go. I would do it slowly, maybe start taking it every other day or something like that and see what happens. Of...
I'm constipated all the time and if I don't take something for it, I regret it big time. I've been on Miralax pretty much this entire year and probably will be for a long time. I love the stuff, it...
I started having those same symptoms around a year ago and I was just as scared as you are. I scheduled an appointment with GI and had a colonoscopy and other various tests done. He won't say if it's...
Thanks for the info everybody. As of now my plan is to stay on the Apriso since it seems to help a lot, and just see how things go over the next 6 months to a year. At that point I plan on having...
I think the fact you called the doctor shows you have worried enough. The problem is when people worry for a long time but never see a doctor. If the blood and overall bad feelings continue, I would...
Oh, another thing I forgot to mention is in the middle of all this, my left elbow started out having just a little bit of tenderness, which eventually lead to a horrible pain everytime I tried to...
I've been back and forth on whether or not I have Crohn's. I had a colonoscopy done back in February that showed an inflammed colon(patchy, at the beginning, middle, and end). The GI suggested it...
Just some advice, be careful how long you take benzos like Klonopins. They are very, very addictive and can be a serious problem when people try to come off of them after taking them for a long time....
Don't end up like me with 2 chronic anal fissures that require surgery. I was stuck in bed almost a month, but it fixed it!!...
I've lost around 25-30 lbs over the past 2-3 months. I'm losing it because the more time that goes by, the harder it is for me to eat anything. I went from food upsetting me every once in a while, to...
Same thing happened to me when I had this. Immediately after they finished I had to the bathroom, and it wasn't all out of me for days. Horrible experience, worse than the colonscopy prep was, to me...
I used suprep for my colonoscopy. The taste was pretty bad, but if you just gulp it down in one or two big drinks, it's not so bad. The bad part about it for me, and I'm not sure if this is because...
Yes, he took biopsies but apparently there was nothing definitive. I think he's cautious about telling me I have Crohn's unless he's sure about it. I have pain meds(GI gave them to me for the fistula...
I've had a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy. The colonoscopy found patchy inflammation(at the beginning of the colon, the end, and in the middle). He suspected Crohn's from the procedure, then we had...
So, after having blood tests come back negative(doctor said they only help if they are positive), I'm kind of in a gray area and not really sure what it is, but it seems like people with Crohn's have...
Earlier this year I posted in the UC board on this forum, thinking I had UC or UP, but after having a colonoscopy, I've found out that it's actually Crohn's, which has me pretty upset. What also has...
DavisD said... Your case is fairly similar to how mine developed. Unlike you, I always assumed it was something simple like hemorrhoids, and I avoided seeing a doctor about it. Only when the blood...
notsosicklygirl said... Hello Josh, Welcome to Healing Well! I think your symptoms are very common of smeone with UP. I was first diagnosed with UP at 27 and I was dealing with just a bit of blood on...
So this has been stressing me out for a while now. I'm a 27 year old male who first started having symptoms about 1.5-2 years ago. It started out with a little bit of blood with BMs, and that didn't...