Hi everybody, Here's my problem. I tend to have a pattern with handling (or NOT handling) my Crohn's and I've realized I'm doing it all again. I've been in this flare for probably the last 9 months...
Came across this link today and I can't stop laughing. Just thought I'd share that. :tongue: http://www.mcphee.com/shop/products/Emergency-Underpants-Dispenser.html ...
Well, on the bright side, 10 pounds is not too drastic to lose over 4 months, and you're not experiencing pain or discomfort which is probably why your doctors are not as concerned as you are....
Lol.. I think we have all jinxed ourselves on our good days. ;) Yes, I am on facebook, although I rarely get on it. I'll email you....
Definitely don't make ANY changes until you talk to your doctor. I know you don't want to bother him unless it's an "emergency," but if it's a choice between self-medicating and taking a few minutes...
One of my doctors once told me that you when you have the flu you pretty much feel like you were hit by a bus. lol.. And funny as that is, I think he was dead on! I can handle a cold any day, but one...
Aww.. Drink lots of water and OJ! I'm going to be taking this weekend to relax, also. All the kids were coming to school with fevers last week and I went home on Thursday with one of my own.....
Aw, that's great to hear! :) This post made me smile. Have a wonderful weekend Donna. Marie...
Artist, thank you for your post and heartfelt apology. I really do appreciate it and accept it completely. I do know now that I need to think more about how my words can be interpreted and will take...
Wow. I apologize if my post was so offensive--clearly that was not the intention whatsoever.. Stripey is right in that I was not trying to say be happy you were cursed with a disease, or that...
I've been thinking a lot lately about my life and how Crohns has affected me in so many ways.. I'm a very independent, opinionated, confident woman and I realized that being forced to deal with...
I have beeeen there.. All the way back to high school when I missed almost my entire junior year, couldn't graduate early as planned, missed the SATs, then into college and my career constantly...
I've heard about the weight gain due to increased appetite. I'm not too too worried since I tend to be losing weight more often than not anyway, but how much weight gain are we talking? If I make...
Thank you for all the feedback. :) I will try to motivate myself to exercise next time, see if that helps. I had been on single hormone birth control pills since December, but it only worsened my...
I've noticed I always have more menstrual pain and irregularities when I'm having a Crohns flare up, and it's just been increasingly miserable lately. Does anyone else notice the two coinciding? In...
Voice chat would be something worth trying I think! Good idea. :)...
I don't tend to swell up with any shots, but I am on Pentasa and I also have anemia. I have to get my flu shot every year because I am a teacher's assistant for a county school. I got mine on Monday...
Thank you for the feedback everyone. :) My doctor had strongly recommended I find the group, so that's how my search began. This forum is something I'm interested in trying, as well though. It's...
I've had Crohn's Disease for 12 years, and just recently I've been looking for a support group, hoping to improve my ability to cope with the challenges that it presents for me. Unfortunately, I...