Dear msouchie & mscrowbar: Thanks guys...I think I'll give it a try, the Tramadol that is. Talk to you all later and take good care Regards, Skip...
Hello msOuchie and all other RA sisters/brothers: I noticed in your info notes that you're taking Tramadol...for pain management, I assume. I've been prescribed Tylenol #3...for pain. I presently...
Thanks for Your input "msOuchie" and "Chartreux Hopefully the Cimzia will work, at some point in time....
Hello to Everyone and a special mention/prayer to all those still struggling with pain and mobility. Has anyone tried an RA drug called "Cimzia", although I don't believe that it is designed...
Dear Denita: Thank you so much for the nice welcome. I will definitely be keeping in touch regularly and in so doing, will hopefully establish some comraderie with other RA brothers and sisters....
Hello everyone: I'm just now signing in as a "new member", and it's sure a good feeling to be on board. Gary...
Hello everyone, Just now signing in as a new member....recently diagnosed with RA. Good to be on board! Gary...