Try changing his diet to see if it helps any at all, no dairy, no gluten, stay away from all the process stuff and things you cant pronounce. Sorry, not sure why it stops supporting him after 5 6...
Great advice, and even tho this isnt a supplement but actual food, try looking into chia seeds. Full of nutrition and fibers to help clean up your system. Start off slow because you'll probably get...
Try coconut water, high in potassium and very high in electrolytes....
Yea its possible to pass it down like any disease to the child but its not always the case. Don't let her words get to you and stress you about children....
Is it possible your doctor will recommend a juice fast instead? If you dont know what I mean watch the movie Fat, Sick, Nearly Dead. You'll get wayyyyyyyy more natural nutrition, lot more energy too...
Not sure if this is crohns related but has this ever happen to anyone? The past 2 weeks about 3 times Ive woken up, felt really hungry just to go to the bathroom 2mins later(no blood no D solid...