Hey David. If the abscess is small I would not be to concerned about loosing to much time at work. I would try to have the procedure done on a Friday afternoon if you work mon-fri allowing the...
Sorry for all the spelling errors....iPad keyboard!!!!...
Hey David. I had the exact same situation as you. I had an abscess about a year ago. It was roughly the same size as yours and the same result. Approximately 8 weeks later I to had the small painful...
Do you find sitz baths to be helpful with salts in them? I was originally told to use Epsom salts but just yesterday the receptionist at the surgeons office suggested table salts? Any suggestions on...
Thank you, not exactly great news but definitely something I'm going to bring up at my appointment. I just want to get to the bottom of this. Thanks :)...
Thanks, I greatly appreciate the advice. I don't think I have crohns actually. In all the reading I have been doing it seems the abscess are common with people suffering from crohns so I figured this...
Hi I had a rectal abscess drained about a year ago. It ended up turning into a fistula and I have recently had a surgery to correct this. I had the surgery 7 weeks ago and everything seemed great. I...