I believe it would work too, having a baby put me in remission for over a year, and I've been told that it's not uncommon for a baby to "loan" you their stem cells. However isn't stem cell research...
Has anyone here gotten pancreatitis after using prednisone? I'm currently going through a nasty flare and now I've got what feels like muscle pain running from my neck down to just below my rib cage,...
I luckily didn't have any issues conceiving naturally. However I was probably in a similar condition to you when we did conceive - not in remission, but better then what I usually was. I was around...
Thanks. OK, I'll start on the enemas tonight and suppositories tomorrow. I was always going to continue my day to day meds, but I just wasn't sure about the pred that I only use when flaring. I think...
I think my main question for anyone reading is - if you were in the 1st weeks of a pregnancy, would you use predsol enemas and suppositories?...
Thanks, Usually I find high fibre foods are the worst ones to set me off, so I've been avoiding metamucil and those sort of supplements since my diagnosis was changed from IBS to UC. I might have to...
So I was diagnosed with UC several years ago, and last week had a check up colonoscopy and was informed by my specialist that it's actually Crohn's, not UC... :rolleyes: I've done a little reading up...
My job has me in and out of the office constantly, driving all over town, and often up to an hour to neighbouring towns. I don't ever have much of a problem with my job. You should be able to work...
I think I'm going to have to see the movie. I'm usually a read the book first type of person, but for some reason I have something against reading young adult books, so I don't really want to read...
Conquer - I ordered the Low Fodmap Diet book by Sue Shepherd, I think it's just a guide to commercially available food in Australia. I've made my email address available in my profile for a short...
Thanks everyone! I really appreciate everyone's input! Looks like there's only 1 dietician in my area according to your link Conquer and she doesn't specialise in fodmap diets, but thanks for the...
That really sucks. I was misdiagnosed for years simply because my Doctor didn't want to carry out any tests, we'd get to the end of every consultation and he'd ask me if there was anything else and...
Weird, this was supposed to be posted here, but instead created it's own subject... thanks yes it is our first, so really everything is new to me! I started off my changing my diet to lots of small...
What's VSL#3 DS? Is that the active ingredient or the name it's marketed under? I just haven't heard of it, and I figured that maybe it's called something different in Australia? Thanks....
I've read through a few old posts to see what others have done, but thought I'd post my own questions so the answers are more directed at me in particular... :eyes: Any hoo, Turns out I'm 5 weeks...
I get dizzy spells due to low iron and low blood pressure. My dizzy spells are where everything goes black and it takes a while for my vision to come back....