I have tried a lot of stuff nothing has helped me long term. It seems my body makes everything ineffective within 3 months...
Yea well it was all a pipe dream. My GI cancelled my transfer and is refusing to provide me with a drs note saying I have Crohn's that I need for court. She needs to be put in her place she is a dr...
This whole waiting thing really stinks. Pain is made even more unbearable because I lost the custody battle and now only see my kids every other weekend :( they have been the only reason I keep...
My transfer is in the process after seeing everyone saying it's a good thing. I can't say I'm not worried about all this though...
I have problem with my teeth as well. Reflux really eats you up...
All my treatment has failed so far and my GI doctor wants to transfer me to Hershey medical center. My question what can they do for me there? Is there treatments they can give my GI I can't? GI...
Humira is 5 weeks so still not at the 90 day mark needed for full results but I have 0 improvements which most say you should have some by this point...
Alpha normal is .5-1 and ANA is normal 1:40 and yes crp is way high when I told my aunt who worked in gi drs office for many years what crp was at she insisted I meant 8.64 not 86.4 and refused to...
My drs say these abnormal results don't mean anything but I disagree so tell me what you think. 86.4 mg/l C-reactive protein. positive ANA anti-nuclear antibody. 1.1g/DL alpha-2. 1:80 ANA titer. 11.5...
Today my abdominal pain returned (been gone for 6 weeks) the joint and muscle pain and the overwhelming exhaustion is combined to much to handle...
I have been on humira took my 3rd dose today and I am feeling no better my bowel movements and muscle and joint pain is the same as always. Is there something else wrong? I know I have Crohn's mostly...
Pentasa can be removed from the capsule and sprinkled on your food if you have trouble swallowing. It's not the capsule delaying release it is the medicine inside. The capsule is disolved even before...
I have used snuff for many years and have quit several timesfor as long as a year once and I have never gotten any mouth sores from not using but I do get them and the closed throat from the crohns...
OK if that is the case I have not been in remission for several years I honestly was not sure what was concidered remission...
What synthoms are normal when your Crohns is in remission? I didnt believe my GI doctor when she said my crohns was being controlled and I told her so and she ran a extensive blood test and...
Date a fellow chronie wink wink lol sorry can't help with your issue I have not had that problem...
I had the same thing it was the start of much worse side effects of imuran for me. If you experience any severe abdominal pain stop the imuran I did against what dr said and 3 days my pain was mostly...
Dr has not looked at my eyes but I was at eye dr for new glasses about 4 months ago and they said everything is fine and I did tell them about the double vision and blurry vision but not sure about...
Align worked very well for me for several years then just stopped working one day about 3 years ago...
I remember being told 30-90 days when Iwas on imuran and had a reaction toit, it has been 50 days since Itook it and still have minimal reactions yet...
Its not the prednisone. Blood pressureis in normal range...
I have had really severe headaches for several years progressively getting worse and now I have one all the time and Dr does nothing for me GI or family. What can I ask for med wise to help? I am on...
Right there with you. I am about to lose my business because of being so exhausted my brain can not process the most simple of things even and the severe headaches are murder they never go away...
Tomorrow Is a week now for me and no relief yet i have not been in crazy bad pain so far yet so maybe it is the Humira but I think it is just coincidence but I am hoping something finally helps...
Quitting smoking will help with the flares so do that and cutting caffeine helped me some too maybe enough for you to live with? Try it I know it sucks but what else is there...
I am taking 4 a day. It is not a miricale drug but my abdominal pain is lower now a 5 on scale and was a 7-8...
After years ofpain I went to my GI doctor for my monthly visit and told her you haveto give something for my abdabdominal pain and she gave me bentyl and said I will feel better tomorrow. WTH why did...
I get random rashes at different places quite frequently. Usually only lasting a few hours most times they are very itchy...
Supposed tobe less than 2 weeks till relief and full benefits in 2 months or less. if I ever get mine started I can let you know...
I tried tapering down faster than 5mg every 2 weeks and was in the er the following day. I know it's abad drug but it is all I have and for whatever reason Dr is not doing my training for humira and...
my GI said i could stay on entocort indefinitely unfortunately it did not work for me sadly just as everything else we tryed either i have a reaction or does nothing...
ive been on prednisone for over 2 months i started at 30mg went up to 60mg and then slow taper down i am currently at 30mg, my bowel movements are more formed and less urgent and less frequent...
I was diagnosed with Crohn's a little over a year ago at age 27 suffering since age 12 I have been imuran which gave me severe abdominal pain entocort did nothing. Prednisone helps my bowels but does...
I don't feel a low residue diet would be a help as popcorn even a huge bowl does not change the pain or bowel movements in any way, most of the other foods I already don't/ do eat already. GI doctor...
I had aCT scan done a few days ago and it didn't show any scarring etc. How will I get enough nutrients with a low resiedue diet? GI thinks I may have something on top of the Crohn's causing the...
I have the same knee pain you are describing I also have neck shoulder and headaches but theknee pain is theworst, I have a appointment with rhuemy next week so I will hopefully get some help and I...
Vicoden does not help with pain at all unless it is really bad then it barely takes a tiny bit of the edge off and this is the first I have been prescribed pain meds of any kind which I feel is sad....
I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease 5/12 but was suffering for 15 years and getting tested for any imaginable cause for the pain I had/have constantly until my old Dr and ex wife both said the pain...
Crohn's diagnoised 5/12 after 15 years of suffering. I have been on pentasa since diagnosis then added entocort to. no avail so stopped and went on prednisone which helps my bowel movements but not...