No, LDN does not contain animal proteins, and is usually able to help in many cases- I first heard about LDN in 2008, and personally know people with both Crohn's disease and colitis, and it has made...
There is also an option called LDN, there is a website devoted to it, and a GI study was done at Penn STate several years back. It may work for some people, and there are few side effects. Dr Jill...
All I meant was don't let the dr's tell you that she just needs meds for 9 months, or that the insurance companies won't pay for CBT... my own experience is that the medical professionals often will...
Please help your daughter.... it is a known fact that untreated panic and anxiety can make the teen try to self-medicate (often with illegal substances.... don't ignore her fears and complaints, or...
There may be some hope for you-- there is a Rx pill called Singulaire (which helps reduce cytokines/ leukotrienes, basically an anti-inflammatory for your respiratory system) Also, good...
Or possibly rub pure strong yogurt on it-- (the plain type without added sugars) Obviously, it is a form of yeast infection/ thrush causing the tongue issues (Can also happen in infants) Good luck-...
ps: in 2008, the meds included Prednisone, pentasa, prilosec, ciproflaxin, immodium, and entocort; it was hard to feel good while taking at least 20 pills per day Today, things are much better--...
Hello, i am new here too... also dealing with 2008 diagnosis. There are many ways to keep these diseases in check (no cure yet) but it's coming soon, esp with research Things such as diet really do...