No reaction here....
What combos are good with Omnicef? I am on Omni and Tindimax....
Anyone tried Omnicef @ 1200mg a day? Most basic net info puts max dose @ 600mg a day. Checking in on this....
Biaxin set me to the ER after 4 days of it. It spawned a whole list of problems, especially neurological....
I see no comments, but lots of thumbs down....
We can start our own campaign: "Feeling ill? Maybe it's not cancer!" "Almost die? Maybe it's not MS!" "Sick for years? Maybe it's not AIDS!" No need to suggest an alternative diagnosis really. We can...
Harry! That's what I like to hear....
TBH I still have no clue how to identify a herx. All I know is feeling bad or worse, and there are not enough clear indicators from treatments to give me a clear picture. I can't tease out cause and...
How long can patients stay on Tinidazole straight if they are not having neuropathy side-effects?...
Anybody else?...
For side effects, I notice that my tongue tastes odd and has a bluish covering in the morning. Any stories on how Tinidazole decimated the Lyme? I know I'm fishing, but I want to hear how well it...
Taking Tinidazole now and looking for stories on it (hopefully stories about how well it worked). I've been on it for a few weeks, now up to 750mg a day....
So, I want to get Remicade treatments but my insurance will only cover 50% of it and as you all know it's a very expensive treatment. Do any of you have suggestions on which insurance plan I should...
So, when on Remicade it is said that the immune system is lowered. Does this effect last, or is the immune system only lowered for a day or two after the infusion?...
I am in the U.S. I am asking because I may have a shift in work and be without insurance for 6 months or so. Is there any benefit to taking Remicade for 2 months now and then picking up later? Does...
Insurance, cost....
Are there any precautions/issues if I can only due a few infusions of Remicade? Is it worth it to start if I might have to skip treatment for 6 months or a year?...
Nothing has helped me yet with energy. I've tried a whole lot....
If you find one, let me know!...
Get your adrenals checked. If you are not producing enough aldosterone, you will have trouble holding on to salt. This can also cause high potassium (which is nothing to mess around with)....
Get your adrenals checked. If you are not producing enough aldosterone, your electrolytes will become unbalanced by losing sodium and retaining potassium. This can have drastic consequences if it...
Yeah, I've been getting this for a year. Makes it very hard to sleep. I get what I sometimes call "brain zaps" and I have an incoherent thought along with a body jerk (could be anywhere but often...
"The fatigue people experience from treatment is actually treatment induced anemia." Not everybody. I have severe fatigue and I have a high RBC....
For what it's worth, my cycle is often reversed: bad new moon, good full moon....
I've been through the ringer on this. My girlfriend told me she wanted to marry me and have my children. I've been sick the whole time I've known her. She broke up with me after picking fights with...
I took it for 4 days and went ape-shit. Horrible herx that sent me to the er....
Marie, how have you been since starting treatment? I'd really like to hear about progress from a story like that. "Some days I just have to order my leg or arm to move, concentrate on it and telling...
I certainly have the fatigue you mention along with exercise intolerance. I have been 99% bedbound for the last year. I, too at one point thought ME was my issue based on symptoms....
TheWryter, can I ask what happened with Teasel?...
Another vote for the ER, as well as get fluids with electrolytes. Water with sea salt and lemon perhaps. Make sure to ask about C. Diff ! It is a very nasty infection that can be caused by certain...
He's very dry. I also felt he was curt in his appointments. There are a few other things that bothered me as well. He relied on a negative Babs test to tell me that I don't have Babs, yet I've that...
Anyone else?...
vcast, what were your die off symptoms from the yeast?...
central jersey is best :)...
Looking for docs that deal with MTHFR, detoxing and LDN. Not just ABX!...
Emmi, That sounds really weird. I hope someone has a good answer for you....
If you are having lightheadedness and anxiety I would check adrenal function if I were you. Esp. if nausea and/or fatigue is involved. The lightheadedness can be from low blood pressure caused by a...
My experience: ID doc= thumbs down...
Looking for opinions on Dr. H. MSIDS? Treatment plan?...
Deejava, How sick were you before/during treatment?...
I'm sorry you are having such a hard time :( My body is in a very poor state as well. My mom takes care of me, but even with that the simplest tasks are impossible. Just going to the bathroom is an...
I had the same scare because of a s**tty gastrodoc. After looking at the main symptoms I decided NOT to waste $1000 on Vancomycin. Then my test results came back negative. Gave me quite a scare...
He seem to be often cited by Lyme patients. Is he really that good? Does he have a great track record?...
I'm not joking about the turmeric: "Turmeric (active ingredient is curcumin) - 40 U.S. studies are looking at turmeric as a potential inhibitor of C difficile. A turmeric enema may equal vancomycin...
I would suggest starting with high doses of turmeric/curcumin. Google "turmeric" and "c diff"...
nan, Have you written about your experience at Hansa? What condition were you in before you went there? I would like to know more....
I just don't understand how it's possible to feel like this for such extended periods of time. Tired, weak, confused, distracted, nervous, sad......
I know how you feel. My mind is often in the state you describe. It's awful, staring into space for hours :(...
People will probably ask you about your MS diagnosis and propose that Lyme could be the cause for such symptoms. There is strong evidence that Lyme can cause auto-immune disease or flat out mimic...