I've had 3 resections. Can't say it got easier but walk as much as you can stand after surgery. As for laparoscopic my surgeon said I wasn't a candidate since insides get to be changed around after...
I've been taking Humira since 2008. Just leave it out of fridge till not cold. Sometimes it hurts but not usually. It'll be ok I promise...
I have tried all the Crohns drugs over the past 12 years and still had to have 3 resections. Been on Humira since 2008. No side effects that I know of. Just remember everyone is different. I try to...
My GI said i could take 4 imodium every 6 hours. I take it every day but still have severe diarreha.. 2 months ago my Gi prescribe codiene tablets. They have helped more than anything in the past 12...
Took me at least a week after all 3 of my resections...
I have used both. I prefer the syringe after getting over being nervous the first few times. I had one pen that didn't work. All the liquid fell on the on the floor....
I've been using Humira since 2010. You will be nervous the first few times but it will get very easy. Think of it this way people on insulin take many many shots. Remember everyone is different. What...
I would suggest you keep a thermometer by the bed and take your temp when you wake up in a sweat. Mine was a fistula and I would wake up soaked....
I take it every day. If you don't like the powder ask your doctor for the pill type. It doen't stop the diarrehea for me but it is not as bad. I also take imodium every day....
I have been on Humira since dec 08. Just let it warm up 15 or 20 minutes and you won"t feel a thing. I have taken many of them and wondered if it actually worked. As for side effects as far as I know...
I could not imuran but 6pm was ok for me till I went to humors. Hope it works for you like they say we all react differently...
I take 8 pills a day. no side effects. It does't stop d for me but does help. If i am going to leave the house I also take imodium. Colestid helps but it does not stop me up and I really prefer it...
Everyone is different but not many can go very long without maint drugs. It's just the way it is. I don't know about you but I will take whatever my Gi gives me to keep from having surgery again....
I understand all the infections and am truly sorry. I like Scott Crohnie had a fistula from small intestine to bladder. Had to have resection. My Gi said the bladder hole will heal itself after...
I have Cd illieum and colon. 2 surgeries. My Gi said I could take 4 imodium at a time every six hours. But I only take it when I going somewhere or I just can,t stand another bath room visit becaue...
After my second resection my back would hurt so bad I could hardly walk. When i described it to my GI which had already said anko spondy he determined they had my adrenal glands messed up from all...
I use the pen. Let it set out and warm up. They never hurt in stomach but i've had a few hurt in leg. In my opion it is very easy....
My GI said it was his job to get me by on the least amount of drugs as possible. Whether this is right or wrong I don't know but he is the doctor. Over the last 9 years I have tried many many drugs...
I always take my Humira on monday mornings and it will be thursday before I feel better for 3 or 4 days then its right back to where I was till the next injection. I inject every two weeks but ins...
GI works in clinic with a lot of them. So far just calling it inflamation....
I'm sorry but I feel just like you. Nothing i've tried has worked. Currently taking 8 gm of colestid daily but it doesn't work either. GI says take imodium but I hate the symtoms of it too....
I had a scope in november and my GI said I had some red dots in my colon which he has never seen before. My GI is a professor at a major teaching hospital. I went back yesterday for a flex to see if...
My last list also included ensure. My prep was trylyte...
My gi said they were having a lot more success with humira....
MY GI is a medical professor. He had me on humira and 6mp for a month when I stared humira. But he said it was his job to get me by on as little medication as possible, so he stopped the 6mp after I...
Please make sure you go to Humira's web site. Sign up for their assistance program. It's easy and it works....
Miss Mouse open the package and follow the instructions. I have been on HUmira since December. You cannot let possible side effects keep you from trying it. Good Luck....
For me the stomach hurts far less than the leg. Sometimes I wonder if the pins are filled different. Some I don't feel at all and some hurt bad....
I had a severe reaction to Imuran but took 6 mp for 2 years untill my Gi switched me to Humira last december....
I also tend to lose muscle and not fat. Before my 1st resection I weighed 245 lost down to 170 but still had mt fat roll. After resection gained back to 232. 2nd resection lost down to 192 still had...
Please be careful. I came off pred to soon and fast after my last surgery and it affected my adrenal glands and believe me you don't want to do that. Talk to your doctor and taper is a must....
I also had the same response to Imuran and my GI switched me to 6mp also. I,ve been on 6mp for over a year....