Usually Calcium causes abdomianl pain and constipation. I called Solgar and they offered me a new product, which contains liquid calcium and vitamin d. Has anyone tried liquid calcium before? I was...
Big Like~! I'm taking Humira shots over 10 years now (I'm 29 years old). No side effects, and it really keeps my Crohn's in remission. I had a surgery a year ago (beacuse it took over 2 years until I...
I'm taking Superb Probiotic (in powder, I can't handle large doses of probiotic, i've also tried probiotic yogurt and it didn't end very well so i'm taking the children's probiotic. It contains 7...
I know Align is one of 2 probiotic supplements (VLS#&Align) recommended for Crohn's pationts. This product is very expensive. Has anyone tried this product? I heard of people who tried VLS# but not...
I also stop taking the supplement a couple of days ago....
thank you for your answer, today much of the pain went away, maybe the probiotic supplement is too much for my system. I'll try probiotic Yogurt from now on. I wrote to my dr, and he sent me to...
Hello, I'm receving Humira shots every week for my Crohn's disease and until now everything was ok. Last week I took Bio-Cran (probiotic supplement which contains: Cranberries& 700 million...