Thanks for the link, I'll check it out after work!...
Whenever I have these spurts, they last for a few days and then go away. I really hope I don't either. My aunt's husband has Crohn's and before he was diagnosed, he was bleeding from his rectum quite...
I just want to say thank you all for your replies! They've been really helpful. @JaSanne: If it comes down to it, which it might, I will just have it done and try not to get upset about it. But it...
@pb4: Thanks for the tips, I will look for lactaid or pills the next time I go grocery shopping. I will definitely be getting checked out for sure. @ozonehole: My fever seems to be gone or not as bad...
Thank you kazbern for the advice! I'm trying to wean myself off of it slowly since I do eat a lot of cheese and eggs. Where can I find lactase enzyme? I was thinking that my current bout of symptoms...
I'm so sorry that you're facing so many issues. I'm glad that your Crohn's has gotten a lot better though! I've never been tested for lactose intolerance before but I probably should as two of my...
Thanks so much pb4 for your reply! This current bout of whatever is going on is so strange because I never had a fever with it. I would get a little nauseous and have frequent bowel movements and...
Hello, everyone! About a week or two ago, I began having abdominal cramps that would come and go (like in waves) followed by an urge to defecate and a bowel movement. But after those bowel movements...