When I had my protocolectomy I remember crying profusely because I was convinced it made it worse not better. I was so dehydrated and I had to empty the bag constantly. My doc. explained to me at the...
I have joint pain too...I have found that when I am on steroids it is worse, when my Crohn's is flaring it is worse, the higher my CR-P the more the pain...some other meds I think have triggered it...
Thanks leggothemeggo and sweetiepie...I am a bit out of it still today but I am not feverish anymore and I don't feel horrible. It is good to know that in other people's experiences it gets better....
Hey there, I am 32, have had a Crohn's dx since I was 9...you name the med I have been on it and it failed for me. From Thalidomide to TNF-Inhibitors...from feeding tubes to Protocolectomy...long...