Yes I have been tested for Lyme. I'm surprised my labs don't scream Lupus!!! Now this evening I noticed some swelling on the right side of my neck........
I have seen a Rheumatologist and she ran labs. Since I had a high Actin IGG she immediately says I have "autoimmune hepatitis " which I don't. She then referred me out. I went to Hepatologist who...
Thank you ppm guy. I went ahead and posted on the Crohns forum too....
To make a long story short, I have been tossed around for a year from doctor to doctor to find out what is going on.... Definitely classic symptoms of autoimmune but not really sure what. Test...
Ppm guy- good to know about the actin igg! Since it being a smooth muscle IGG and all it makes since. Not just "hepatitis". Thanks for replying....
Well I have been twice to UCSF now. The first time was with a hepatoligist who told me I don't have "Autoimmune Hepatitis" because I have never had any abnormal liver panels and my ultrasound showed...
Thank you for the replies. No poop studies. I'm sure once I see the specialist for the autoimmune she will order some. I'm wondering if I need a colonoscopy. My grandmother died from colon...
Hello- DGinSD I appreciate everyone's input. Thank you!!! I am 5'4 and 210 pds. My CRP keeps going up though so is my ANA. I've had LOTS of different blood work threw out the last year. I've seen a...
Thank you for your responses. Is AIH genetic? Do think I will have a liver biopsy? I'm just shocked this came out of no where. Is it normal for an ultrasound to look normal ??...
Hello- Long story short, I have been told by my rheumatologist I have autoimmune hepatitis and need to see a specialist. She says it's due to my ANA, Actin sm igg, and crp being high. The reason I'm...
Hello. My name is AndLo. I'm new to the forum. I have been rescently told by my rheumatologist that I have Autoimmune Hepatitis and I am being referred to a specialist in the Bay Area in a couple...