Hi, breathing issue/pain are more controled. It really depend of the quantity i eat even if it's not technicaly bad. But i'm on my 1 week 5 days and nothing really better ... Drinking water are...
I have an other issue. The first 1 seconde is ok but the rest is somewhat hard to achieve when i'm breathing. Like i switched from breathing on the beach to a bag. I feel some thing is blocking my...
Hello ! One of my Crohn symptoms is having my anus 'hot' when i site on some thing 'hard'. It happen too after a more longer time on some thing more soft. I don't know if it's poop/mucus/some sort of...
Hello, i didn't had a biopsie for my small intestin crohn, only the capsule endoscopy with picture:/ And generaly GI here take some time 3 months to have an appoitment. Like i said, for now, i have...
Hello, first thanks you ! I'm informing me all the time since i have been diagnosticated. I know about corticoïd, 5-ASA, anti TNF, immunosuppressor... My Crohn is mostly in my Ileum, the last part...
Hi ! It's my first time there. I was lurking about crohn lately and beside reddit, it's a place where i end up often. I'm 24 years old and i have been diagnosticed with a Crohn disease in my small...