I completed the antibiotics and was re-tested for c-diff and it was negative. I finally got in to see an IBD specialist who ruled out IBD based on the stool test results and the colonoscopy biopsy....
borborygmi Focal Active Colitis is a general term for colon infection...
took longer than expected to get the MRCP results No masses found on MRCP and no evidence of pancreatitis The GI docs in my area are scheduling into mid-September, I'm still trying to get a sooner...
I had the MRI /MRCP this morning, so now anxiously awaiting the results. I should hear tomorrow. Second stool tests results still not in....
current symptoms are floating stools and weight loss - stool test was re-done for infections last week and also re-done for Pancreatic Elastase - but I don't have the results yet. I have an MRCP...
I don't take any NSAIDS at all. They were unable to test for infections in the stool for some reason. Symptoms were better for about a week or so, right after I started Probiotics, until a few days...
Got copies of all my test results today The biopsy of the sigmoid colon "shows focal active colitis with neutrophilic inflammation involving the lamina propia, surface epithelium, and crypts...
I did have routine blood work done at my primary doctor a few days before the colonoscopy - it was all normal....
Thanks Beave No, i am not on any meds at all. I'll have all the tests results in my possession soon, hopefully, and I'll be able to review them. I get straight answers on some questions from this...
Thanks Susie I don't have the actual records yet - I have requested them and I am then going to another GI - I have some issues with this facility. I did get a call from the office today advising...
Hi I am a 57 year old male with no prior history of GI issues. Around mid-March of this year, I started having loose stools, and some constipation. The loose stools were no more than once a day, and...