Whenever my Crohn's gets bad, so when I am vomiting a lot or I have stomach pains, my face seems to swell up. This increases the more I sleep and when I told the doctor they didnt know why this was....
Hey, I'm sorry to hear. I am not sure if I'm the best person to give you advice, mainly because I'm not that old, but I really get what you are saying. Living knowing that you have something that...
Thanks 73monte and Labradorite, I really need the support. It is so hard for me to go to school everyday, knowing that it's going to drain me, like all my pills do. I feel so low on energy and coffee...
Also, I get blood in my stools, which the doctor isnt really concerned about. He just increased my dose of gastritis medicine, Omaprozale, but it isnt doing anything...
Hello. I got diagnosed with Crohn's this year, around the end of April. I'm only 14 but I spent the last 8 years suffering with symptoms, not specifically those of Crohn's. I had facial swelling, it...