I have my first HBOT session scheduled for Friday. Here’s hoping it closes this sucker off! My mom is wonderful for paying for this for me....
Thank you! My weight is probably mostly due to Gastroparesis, because I tolerate very few foods and very little amounts. I think the crohn’s probably isn’t helping matters by affecting how much I...
I started with probably 1.5 mg and worked up to 3.5. I’m low weight, otherwise I’d have probably gone up to 4.5. I took it before I went to bed. For the first month, I’d wake up around 4am unable to...
I had my gallbladder taken out, probably unnecessarily since I didn’t have symptoms. Like you, they said it had to go because of the stones. Back then I trusted doctors more, and let them do it. The...
I have Crohn’s and Gastroparesis (among other health problems). I’m 45, 5’4, and 82 pounds. Three years ago, I was around 115. Most of this weight loss was in the past year, when the Gastroparesis...
My GI doesn’t even want to see me, she has pawned me off to a surgeon. He did my resection 10 years ago, and was a pretty good doctor. I’m not ready to jump into surgery yet though. I’ve read that...
I can’t say whether LDN was or wasn’t effective for my Crohn’s, but it definitely helped my joint pain. Whenever I quit taking it, my knees and shoulders start hurting with a month or two....
Thanks so much for the replies everyone! I’m sorry to hear you’re in the same boat, but glad to know that you’re both dealing with the situation well. Mine is hopefully small, because it’s been...
Hi Susie, thank you for your reply! I’ve done Remicade (severe allergic reaction brought that to an end) and Humira (didn’t help). 6mp and Imuran both made me feel like garbage 24/7. I only have...
So I just had a rectovaginal fistula pop up. I’ve been having pelvic discomfort and kind of a weird feeling of pressure for a couple months. Got checked for a UTI, and it came back negative. So then...