I had my colonoscopy yesterday and the gi dr. was pretty optomistic about the results. I had some polyps and one sign of diverticulosis. He did a biopsy of the terminal ileum but he said it looked...
Thanks for everyones support and comments. I've never been so nervous and I know I'm reaching but I have to ask. I read that CD is manageable and most people live full productive lives. Is this true...
My CT scan came back normal. When my doc. called me he mentioned that there's a possibility of Behcet's. Lately my stool has been worse and my knees and wrists seem to hurt....I'm hoping this is just...
Thanks a ton for the replys! My other blood tests came back normal. I don't recall exactly what they all were but two of them were the P-ANCA and ASCA and they were normal. I had a CT scan on Friday...
My GI doc. is sending me for tests and I'm nervous so I was hoping someone could help me understand if this sounds like Crohn's or what else it might be?Below are my symptoms and when they occurred,...