Hi again, The air quality in NC or the Chapel Hill area is much better than Houston! The Raleigh-Durham area is a growing, dynamic area but the people put a lot of emphasis on quality of life....
Hello, I was diagnosed wcf in Chapel Hill when they were first starting the genetic testing. I was 38 then and 51 now. I can't speak directly about the peds cf center, but I lived in the area for...
The only advice I would offer, since it is not mentioned, is get the testing done at a certified CF Center. They can be located at cff.org. If you are not getting the testing done a a certified...
Hi Sara, I don't know why just clicking on the link doesn't work, but you can go the old fashioned way to get there. First, go to msn.com. If you do not have a pasport, get one. On msn.com scroll...
Try http://groups.msn.cysticfibrosis2chat/ . You may have to ask to join but it is a much more active group. Please do them justice in your work. BoeJaker 51wcf ...