I have come across this many times thru my 41 years of having CF. Through my experiences I've had more people believe in me than not. And as for the people that didn't believe in me, I'll give you a...
Well I'ts Satrurday night and Im bored out of my mind. Anybody out there?...
hi grl22 I'm knew at this also. I,m trying to find adults wiith CF. I'll turn 40 on April 15th but i've never had anybody with Cf to share the same things I'm going through....
Anybody out there with cf over 25? I'll turn 40 next wqeek on April 15th. /community/emoticons/yeah.gif ...
Hang in there missy. My parents were told in 1966 told I wouldn't live to see my first birthday . I 'll turn 40 on april 15th....