hi sug, i have many of the same illness and i must tell you that it does get better, i found this place and i really love it everyone helps and they talk you thorugh times when life seems so...
thank you all. for everything no i can't afford to go to see a concler, if i stop work i would loose everything ,what i meant to say about being worth it. i ment that people don't need help and the...
i just feel like i am at my ropes end. seems like the more i ask for help the more. i get turned down, thank you all for being so kind to me. seems like no one understand how i feel . i have got high...
no it's not work related he has a bone des. that has passed down from his father. thank you all for your help. my husband takes morphine, and other pain meds he also has sugar. it's hard but i am not...
we have been trying for his ssi for 3 years now and we have a lawer thejust don't get in hurry. social services said i make to much money and no we can't get insurance for him i have to pay for...
well my son calls me names in front of his friends. and at home. my husband is on a walker due to his illness he has a really bad back the dr says he might be in a wheel chair before long. sometimes...
/community/emoticons/sad.gif hi everyone, i am new here, i just need someone to talk to. i feel so alone. i don't know were to start. i have been married for 12 yrs and i have a 17 year old from my...