Hi again. Today i finally talked with the counselor and it went pretty well. I could tell she was taking me more seriously then she used to now that i opened up about a few things. I actually left...
Hi again. In reference to what getting by said: The physical therapist really was refering to my sister's cutting. She couldn't say it out loud because people were around but she was asking in a...
Thanks for the help everyone. I couldn't go to the school counselor today because it turns out she wasn;t there, so that bummed me out. But i'm definitely going tomorrow. The weirdest thing happened...
Froggy, about what you said above me, it's exactly how I feel. I want to feel better and sometimes i WANT to bawl my eyes out in front of people, but I just can't. I can't show my emotions and that's...
Hello! I'm new to this so I'm not exactly sure how this works but I need some advice. I'm only fourteen years old, young I know. Well, I think I need some help. I don't know for sure if I'm...