Holy Cow, it's so funny how everyone except me just rips the man apart in the situation. A shame we won't ever both sides of the story. I hope everything pans out well for you Dismaril. Its a shame...
Traveler, Perhaps this all stems back to when you couldn't find work and felt defeated. I thinking the defeated feeling hasn't gone away yet and that's what snowballed you into the feelings you have...
Behind, Hi I'm new here, but I'm not a newbie to depression. I hate that you feel so bad, and I wish I could help you and so many other people. I feel its easier to talk to people over the web rather...
Dismaril, I was carousing around and stumble upon your post. I thought I would register and advise you on this matter since no one else had at the time I started this. Honey, first let me say I can...